
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved | Full Story

2024-08-21 66 Dailymotion

Bermuda Triangle or the Devil's triangle is one of the most jaw-dropping mysteries in the world. It is a region of the North Atlantic Ocean where more than 50 airplanes and ships have disappeared, and no one has been able to find out why. There have been many theories and conspiracies regarding it, but no concrete answer has come up to date as to why airplanes are disappearing. But what is the exact mystery? How did it get discovered? What all efforts have been made to solve it? I talk about all these things in this video.

Scientists May Have Finally Cracked the Greatest Mystery Behind the Bermuda Triangle.

How many creepy stories about the disappearing of airplanes and ships in the Bermuda Triangle have you heard? We guess many.

It is a large area in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. This region is notorious for its mysterious phenomena. Huge amounts of ships and planes have disappeared here. Its second name is ‘The devil’s triangle.'
All those mythical vanishings happened under unknown and unexplained circumstances. Some of the planes and ships have never been found. There have been many theories about why it all occurs in that area starting from waterspouts to aliens and even sea monsters. But those were only theories...